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Assignment | Final Projects (McGinley): Art Museums

ARTS 1301 | Prof. Mike McGinley (Spring 2025)

Selected Art Museums of the World

Assignment Summary

For your assignment, your group will examine history, current trends, and careers in museums. Pick an art museum that interests your group and research the following:

  1. The history of museums: How did they start? What are some of the world's leading museums? How was your museum founded?
  2. Current trends in museums: How have they developed? What changes have they made to better represent women artists, artists of color, or international artists? How has technology changed museum experiences? What specific changes has your museum made?
  3. Museum management and art conservation: What are some roles in the museum field? What are their job requirements? What is attractive about a career in museum work?

Learn More About Museums

Below you'll find some selected resources about current trends in museums including social justice and virtual tours.

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